These are mine. They are drawn from ancient and modern healing principles. I have sworn these as an oath to the universe: they guide all my healing work. I AM A SERVANT OF THE UNIVERSE FIRST, LAST, AND ALWAYS Being a servant of the universe means that my first and last accountability is to my "management" which is God/Goddess/AllThatIs. I am here to accomplish God's work on Earth. I abide by the decisions and communicate the wishes of my management in all cases. So if they say I cannot work on you or you do not like what it is they have to tell you, please accept my apologies in advance. I AGREE TO HELP ALL I ENCOUNTER ON THEIR JOURNEY HOME We are all on a journey as Soul to find our way home back to God. I agree to help every Soul I encounter on this journey - whether they are family, friend, client, acquaintance, or stranger - for I may not pass their way again. My help is open to them regardless of their financial position or regardless of the sex, race, religion, creed, or national origin of the body they have currently chosen to incarnate into. For I recognize that all of us have been or will be all things as we journey home. I PLEDGE TO KEEP ALL SESSIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Your journey home to God in the end is a solitary and private one. You are born alone, you die alone, and you are your only constant companion on your journey home. Therefore, what you have been through and are going through are strictly your business and God's. No one else has the need to know or the right to know about those private places in yourself that we may discover. No one will ever discover from me - by word or deed - any of your private information. I ALWAYS UPHOLD THE HIGHEST STANDARDS OF INTEGRITY Truth and honesty are the universal way. They are my way. I will only tell you the truth. I tell you in advance that the truth may not be what you what you want to hear. The truth is I would do you no good service if I were anything less than honest with you. If you want someone to flatter you or feed your ego, then it was nice meeting you and I wish you well on your journey through life. I PUT YOUR HEALING AND YOUR INTERESTS AHEAD OF MINE Among the first words in the Hippocratic Oath is the physician's agreement to do the patient "no harm". Today's physicians seem more interested in experimentation and in pushing out the boundaries of knowledge than in helping their patients to heal. I have personally experienced this in a painful manner in my present lifetime. So I promise you that if I am experimenting with new techniques, I will advise you accordingly and will only perform them if you agree to it in advance. Otherwise, I will do my best to heal you using "tried and true" holistic healing techniques. I PLEDGE TO KEEP CURRENT WITH THE STATE OF THE ART Since the universe is an unfolding and expanding creation, there will always be new advances in the "state of the art" for holistic healing. I keep up with them in the best possible way: by experiencing them myself before I consider using them for clients. Most healers are in the profession because they are the most in need of healing themselves. I fully and freely admit that I am always in the process of healing or enhancing myself. I am committed to continuous improvement because I want to become a better person, a better healer, and a better Coworker with God. I AM PRIMARILY CONCERNED WITH YOUR WELL BEING Sometimes my concern for your well being will outweigh my duty to obey your wishes. For example, my clients will tell you that sometimes I have put them off because the time was not yet right for their healing. So even though they wanted to have a session I had to decline. I leave it up to Spirit to decide what is best. From experience, you will have to trust me that Spirit is always right. I AM THE "PIT CREW": YOU ARE THE "DRIVER" OF YOUR LIFE You are the driver of your life, navigating the twists and turns of the course ahead of you every moment of every day. I am just the pit crew who you visit when you need to have some basic repairs and maintenance performed or want to add a few new features to your vehicle. Like any good pit crew, I will advise you about your driving when we are together. Once you are back on the road, however, you are on your own to navigate the course and to use our advice or not as you like. I ALWAYS RESPECT YOUR CHOICES AND HONOR YOUR PATH I respect all spiritual paths for "all roads lead back to God". I know that we are all seekers after truth and that we come to our truth in the way that is best for us. So I honor your path, your life contract, and the choices that you have made in your Soul's journey. I will never try to change your ideas. I will never expect you to "believe like me, think like me, act like me" or in any way suggest that you should. You are a unique spark of God (as am I) and I will always treat you accordingly. I AM YOUR TEACHER BUT I AM ALSO YOUR STUDENT A wise man once said "Every person is my superior in that I may learn from them". My primary "gripe" with both traditional and alternative healers is that they believe that they alone are the "Shamans" (which means the "Ones Who Know"). The truth is I have learned so much from all my wonderful clients. Being open to their wisdom I know has made me a better teacher. I am grateful to every client I ever have had or ever will have for opportunity to learn from and with them. I AM THE MESSENGER: GOD'S LOVE FOR YOU IS THE MESSAGE Entire peoples have been wiped from the face of the Earth because of me. Whole nations, cultures, languages, and ways of life are gone forever because of me. Countless people have fallen before my sword, have suffered, and have died because of me. And yet God has been gracious enough to allow me to become one of the numberless messengers of His Love. God has forgiven me and loves me enough to trust me with the secrets of time and the knowledge of hearts. If God has that much room in His heart to love and forgive me, the worst of all sinners, then He can love and forgive you or anyone else for that matter. I have never forgotten and I am certain I will never for get that I am just the messenger of God's word. The true message is that you as Soul exist because God loves you. I HELP EMPOWER OTHERS TO FIND THEIR OWN WAY TO GOD The true goal of all healing is to empower others to fully enjoy their birthright as Divine Beings. Taking Martin Luther's concept of "a priesthood of all believers" a step farther, my goal is to enable you to communicate directly with God. Like all good healers, I am in the business of unemploying myself. That means instead of you coming to me to connect with your Higher Self or your past lives, I am in the business of empowering you to do that for yourself. I swear all these things before God, the universe, and all who read these words. I will hold them in my heart as we work together. Should I ever falter, I ask to be corrected. In God's name, I pray. Amen. |
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