What are the Chakras? Give Me a Crash Course!
* are "Spinning Wheels of Light"
energy from the universe (which is the literal translation of the
Sanskrit word 'chakra').
* are rooted in a vertical power current
or energy hose that interconnects and
interpenetrates the inner energy bodies and
the outer matter body.
* nourishes all the inner energy bodies as well as the
outer matter body with lifeforce.
* the flow of the universe is from energy to matter: energy
flows from your inner bodies to create the matter of your physical body.
* all your bodies are created from the living energy variously referred to as:
........ chi (China), ki (Japan), manna (Hawaii), prana (India).
* consists of seven major chakras (depicted above):
* is open-ended at the root (genital area),
........ the color is red: it connects you to the Earth and
your purpose
* at the sacrum
(base of spine/pelvic area),
........ the color is orange: it represents
........ in front:
your self love and in back:
your use of personal power
* at the solar plexus
(stomach/diaphragm area),
........ the color is yellow: it represents
........ in front:
how you see yourself in the world (your identity)
........ in back:
how you take care of yourself (body, mind, emotions)
* at the
heart (heart area),
........ the color is green and expands to pink: it represents
........ in front: how you connect in relationship
to others from the heart,
........ in back: how you support yourself in career/work
* at the throat
(throat area),
........ the color is blue: it represents
........ in front: how you connect in living your
truth using spoken words
........ in back: how you connect in how you see
yourself professionally
* at the third
eye (between the eyebrows),
........ the color is purple: it represents
........ in front: how you take in the creative
forces of the universe
........ in back: how you manifest desires from energy
* is open-ended at the crown
(top of head),
........ the color is white:
it connects you to universal knowledge.
This is a simple guide to your Chakras and Inner
Energy Bodies.
even more information on all these all important topics, click here!